IEEE PDCO 2023, St Petersburg Florida, USA will be the 13th edition of our Workshop. It will be held in conjunction with the 37th IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium. The Workshop PDCO comes from the merging of Workshop Parallel Computing and Optimization (PCO) and Workshop Nature Inspired Distributed Computing (NIDISC). The previous editions of the Workshop PDCO were held in Anchorage USA 2011, Shanghai China 2012, Boston USA 2013, Phoenix USA 2014, Hyderabad India 2015, Chicago USA 2016, Orlando USA 2017, Vancouver Canada 2018, Rio de Janeiro Brasil 2019, New Orleans USA 2020, Portland USA 2021 and Lyon France 2022. This series of Workshops has been very successful in the past years with many attendees and prestigious Keynote speakers such as Laurence T. Yang, Dimitri Bertsekas, Alex Pothen, Keqin Li, Frédéric Vivien, Anne Benoit and Georges Da Costa.
Scope: The IEEE Workshop on Parallel / Distributed Combinatorics and Optimization aims at providing a forum for scientific researchers and engineers on recent advances in the field of parallel or distributed computing for difficult combinatorial optimization problems, like 0-1 multidimensional knapsack problems, cutting stock problems, scheduling problems, large scale linear programming problems, nonlinear optimization problems and global optimization problems. Emphasis is placed on new techniques for the solution of these difficult problems like cooperative methods for integer programming problems. Techniques based on metaheuristics and nature-inspired paradigms are considered. Aspects related to Combinatorial Scientific Computing (CSC) are considered. In particular, we solicit submissions of original manuscripts on sparse matrix computations, graph algorithm and original parallel or distributed algorithms. The use of new approaches in parallel and distributed computing like GPU, MIC, FPGA, volunteer computing are considered. Application to cloud computing, planning, logistics, manufacturing, finance, telecommunications and computational biology are considered.
Topics: Integer programming, linear programming, nonlinear programming. Exact methods, heuristics. Parallel algorithms for combinatorial optimization. Parallel metaheuristics. Parallel and distributed computational intelligence methods (e.g. evolutionary algorithms, swarm intelligence, ant colonies, cellular automata, DNA and molecular computing) for problem solving environments. Parallel and distributed metaheuristics for optimization (algorithms, technologies and tools). Applications combining traditional parallel and distributed computing and optimization techniques as well as theoretical issues (convergence, complexity). Distributed optimization algorithms. Parallel sparse matrix computations, graph algorithms, load balancing. Hybrid computing and the solution of optimization problems. Peer-to peer computing and optimization problems. Applications: cloud computing, planning, logistics, manufacturing, finance, telecommunications. PCO 2011PDCO 2017 PCO 2012PDCO 2018 PCO 2013PDCO 2019 PCO 2014PDCO 2020 PCO 2015PDCO 2021 PCO 2016PDCO 2022
Important Dates
New: Special Issue of Journal Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence.
Final Program available.
Workshop: Friday May 19, 2023. in conjunction with 37th IEEE IPDPS St Petersburg, Florida USA